1815年に創立され、強烈にピーティな味わいで人々を魅了してきたアードベッグ蒸留所。2009年によりスモーキーなヘビーピーテッドのアードベッグとしてファーストリリースが限定発売された『アードベッグ スーパーノヴァ』。2時間足らずで完売したその圧倒的な人気の高さからそれ以降も幾度か限定リリースを繰り返しています。
3年の時を経て2014年に世界初の宇宙熟成ウイスキーが地球に帰還し、それを祝してリリースされたのが『アードベッグ スーパーノヴァ2014』、スーパーノヴァシリーズの第三弾です。
『アードベッグ スーパーノヴァ2014』のフェノール値は100ppmと通常の倍近くの数値を示しており、超新星の名に相応しいスモーキーな味わいです。熟成年数の表記はありませんが、シェリー樽熟成の原酒を一部使用し、甘さとスパイシーさを際立たせています。
Founded in 1815, Ardbeg Distillery has captivated people with its intensely peaty flavor. “Ardbeg Supernova” was first released as a limited release in 2009 as a smoky, heavily peated Ardbeg. Due to its overwhelming popularity, it sold out in less than two hours and has been released in limited quantities several times since then.
In 2012, Ardbeg Distillery experimented with aging whisky in space.
Ardbeg’s unaged whisky and wood chips from the aging barrel were placed in a special container and observed on the ISS for three years, while the wine was aged on Earth in the same way. The experiment was aimed at elucidating the influence of gravity on ripening based on this difference.
After three years, the world’s first space-aged whisky returned to Earth in 2014, and to celebrate, Ardbeg Supernova 2014 was released, the third in the Supernova series.
From this background, the label design depicts the Ardbeg logo orbiting around a planet.
The phenol level of “Ardbeg Supernova 2014” is 100ppm, nearly double the normal value, and it has a smoky taste worthy of the name Supernova. Although there is no indication of age, some of the original whisky is aged in sherry barrels, which brings out the sweetness and spiciness.
Among Ardbeg’s wide variety of releases to date, this is the back vintage of the Supernova series, which is said to be the most popular. There are not many bottles left on the market anymore, so please enjoy this opportunity.