アイルランド出身のリチャード・ヘネシーによって創業されたヘネシーは、1870年にモーリス・ヘネシーによって世界で初めてコニャックの新しい格付けであるXO(EXTRA OLD)をという表示を考案するなどブランデー業界においていくつもの革新的な歴史を築いています。
このボトルは、オーストラリア出身のデザイナー マーク・ニューソン氏とコラボレーションして作られた限定デザインボトルで2017年に数量限定で発売されました。
マーク ニューソンは交通機関から彫刻作品、建築物までにわたる分野で、多様な色使いを特徴とするプロダクトデザインを世界中で製作しています。
Founded by Irish-born Richard Hennessy, Hennessy has a history of many innovations in the brandy industry, such as devising the world’s first new grade of cognac, XO (EXTRA OLD), in 1870 by Maurice Hennessy.
The XO unblended brandy is a blend of 100 types of grapes harvested in the top 4 districts of the Cognac region, including those from the beginning of this century. has long been loved around the world.
This bottle is a limited design bottle made in collaboration with Australian designer Marc Newson and was released in limited quantities in 2017.
Marc Newson produces multi-coloured product designs around the world in fields ranging from transportation to sculpture to architecture.
In this design, the original bottle has been scraped off to express the traditional motif of grapes and leaves as a wavy relief. The line is based on the image of the complex and deep Hennessy XO brandy created by overlapping various personalities.
It goes without saying that cognac and cigars go well together, but among them, Hennessy XO is the royal road and shows the best compatibility. If you have never tried this combination, please try it once. I’m sure they will tell you the meaning of “mariage”.