『Royal Household』という名は、そのまま『英王室』を意味しており、その名の通りかつて英国王室のためだけに作られたブレンデッドウイスキーです。
そこでブキャナン氏が英国王室に献上した幾つかのブレンデッドウイスキーの中で、皇太子自ら選んだものが後に『Royal Household』と名付けられました。
また、当時は英国御用達である証拠として『The』の接頭語がつけられており、『The Royal Household 』という名前でした。
これにより、『The Royal Household』は世界でも英国と日本でしか飲めない貴重なウイスキーとなりました。
時代が進み、1993年、ロイヤルワラントの見直しが行われ、『The Royal Household』は王室御用達から外れました。
それにより接頭語の『The』も外れ、ラベルには『Royal Household 』と記載されるようになりました。
グラスに注がれた黄金色の『Royal Household』で、高貴な時間をぜひゆったりとお過ごしください。
The name “Royal Household” means “British royal family” as it is, and as the name suggests, it is a blended whisky that was once made only for the British royal family.
In 1897, “Buchanan’s Blend”, a blended whisky by James Buchanan, became very popular, and surprisingly, the Prince of England (later Edward VII) at the time said, “Blended whisky exclusively for the Prince.” I want you to make it.”
Among the several blended whisky that Mr. Buchanan presented to the British royal family, the one that the Crown Prince himself chose was later named “Royal Household”.
A year later, in 1898, the Crown Prince’s Royal Warrant was granted, and when he was crowned King Edward VII, it became a Royal Warrant.
It was actually named by Edward VII’s younger brother, the Duke of York, who later became King George V.
Also, at that time, it was named “The Royal Household” with the prefix “The” as proof that it was a British purveyor.
As it was exclusive to the British royal family, it was not available to the general public at the time. It was served at Buckingham Palace or at a bar at the Roedel Hotel in the Outer Hebrides, where the original recipe is said to have been created. I was told I couldn’t drink.
However, when Emperor Hirohito visited England in the 1920s when he was Crown Prince, he was given a royal house hold by the British royal family.
As a result, “The Royal Household” has become a valuable whisky that can only be drunk in the UK and Japan in the world.
As the times progressed, in 1993, the Royal Warrant was reviewed, and “The Royal Household” was removed from the Royal Warrant.
As a result, the prefix “The” was dropped, and the label was changed to “Royal Household”.
From such a past, bottles with the prefix “The” are now very rare and valuable as old bottles.
The bottle in our store is the current one without “The”, but it is a very easy-to-drink blended scotch with a honey-like nuance and a fruity feel.
Please spend a relaxing and noble time with the golden “Royal Household” poured into the glass.