「人と自然と響き合う」を企業理念に掲げているサントリー、1989年に創業90周年を記念して発売されたのが『響 17年』です。当時のマスターブレンダーの佐治敬三氏が、チーフブレンダーである稲富孝一氏に、「創業90周年にサントリーの粋を集結した傑作を出したい」と告げたところ、長年ヴィオラを嗜んでいた稲富孝一氏は、ブラームス作曲の『交響曲第一番』第四楽章をイメージしながら山崎と白州の原酒を厳選し、30種以上の原酒を見事に束ねて調和させました。
こうして生まれた『響 17年』は単なる90周年記念に留まらず、数多くの賞を授かり、世界的に大変人気で、日本国内でも最高峰のブレンデッドになりました。
『響』ブランドの始まりの一本とも言える『響 17年』、日本のウイスキー業界を牽引してきたサントリー社による日本を代表するブレンデッドウイスキーと言っても差し支えありません。
“Hibiki 17 Years Old” was released in 1989 to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Suntory, whose corporate philosophy is to “harmonize people with nature.” Keizo Saji, the master blender at the time, told the chief blender, Koichi Inatomi, “I want to create a masterpiece that brings together the best of Suntory on the 90th anniversary of our founding.” , Yamazaki and Hakushu’s whiskys have been carefully selected with the image of the 4th movement of “Symphony No. 1” composed by Brahms.
“Hibiki 17 Years Old” was born in this way, not only as a mere 90th anniversary, but also received many awards, is very popular worldwide, and has become the best blend in Japan.
The three key malts are Yamazaki, Hakushu, and Chita.
The distinctive shape of the bottle is a 24-sided cut, representing the 24 seasons of the ancient Japanese calendar.
The paper used for the label is Echizen washi, which is made using traditional techniques.
“Hibiki 17 Years Old” can be said to be one of the beginnings of the “Hibiki” brand, and it is safe to say that it is a blended whisky representing Japan by Suntory, which has led the Japanese whisky industry.
In 2018, it was temporarily suspended due to a shortage of undiluted sake, and there is still no prospect of reselling it.
It is possible that it will be re-released in the future, but it is unlikely that it will appear in the exact same blend as before the suspension, and it may have a different taste.
This is a whisky that you should definitely try while it is still in stock. Please enjoy it.