『ラ ファヴォリット(La Favorite)』はフランス領マルティニーク島で作られているアグリコールラムです。
『ラ ファヴォリット プリヴィレージュ プール リュリュ』は、2代目オーナーであるアンドレ氏の妻、リュミエンヌ・ドルモア(愛称:リュリュ)の生誕100年を祝して作られたものです。
ラム愛好家たちの中でもひっそりと人気の高い『ラ ファヴォリット』なのですが、レギュラー商品に熟成ラムがほとんどなく、熟成のファヴォリットはなかなか飲める機会が多くありません。
“La Favorite” is an agricole rum made in the French island of Martinique.
The scale of the distillery is by no means large, and it is said to be the smallest in Martinique.
The production volume is 600,000 to 1,000,000 liters per year, and the harvesting of the sugar cane is all done by hand.
It is also one of the few distilleries still powered by steam engines.
Built in 1842 as a sugar refinery, it was closed for a long time due to poor management and hurricanes. His son Andre Dolmore and grandson Paul Dolmore continue to run the family business to this day reborn to produce the same high quality rum.
“La Favorite Privilege Pour Lulu” was created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Lumienne Dormore (nickname: Lulu), the wife of Mr. André, the second owner.
It has been released twice so far, but it is not exactly the same and the contents are slightly different.
We have the 2019 bottling in batch 1 of the first release. (Batch 2 will be bottled in 2020.)
A blend of five vintage cognac and oak barrel aged whiskeys from 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2008. The first release was bottled at 45% ABV and limited to 4725 bottles.
“La Favorite” is quietly popular among rum lovers, but there are almost no aged rums in the regular product, and there are not many opportunities to drink aged favorites.
Among them, it is particularly rare, especially batch 1 is difficult to obtain now. Please try once.