『BEAT EMOTION』という名はBOØWYのアルバムタイトルでもあり、ソロ活動開始後初のオリコンチャート1位に輝いた楽曲タイトルで、布袋寅泰氏にとっては重要な象徴となる単語です。
『BEAT EMOTION GRACE』は、赤ワイン樽やシェリー樽の原酒をブレンドし、赤ワイン樽で最後に追熟を施して作られました。
イメージしているのは、東京 2020 パラリンピック開会式で披露したような、エモーショナルで深いロングトーン、バラード等で見せる優しく包み込む一面。布袋寅泰氏の持つ確かな別の顔を表現した、包容力溢れる優美な仕上がりです。
After working with BOØWY and COMPLEX, Tomoyasu Hotei is a guitarist who is currently flying around the world as a solo artist.
With the concept of “a malt whisky that symbolizes the life of Tomoyasu Hotei”, two types, “TRIANGLE” and “GRACE”, were released on April 26, 2023 in collaboration with Nagahama Distillery.
The name “BEAT EMOTION” is also the title of BOØWY’s album, and it is the title of the song that topped the Oricon chart for the first time after starting his solo career, and is an important symbolic word for Tomoyasu Hotei.
Nagahama Distillery was just opened in 2016 in the northern part of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, and is said to be the smallest distillery in Japan. Although it is only a few years old, its momentum is tremendous, and production began in just 7 months from conception. It is a truly up-and-coming distillery that has already won multiple awards such as WWA and IWSC in just 5 years of operation.
He is also famous for his frequent collaborations with comics and musicians.
“BEAT EMOTION GRACE” is made by blending raw spirits from red wine barrels and sherry barrels, and then final ripening in red wine barrels.
What I’m imagining is a gentle, enveloping side shown in emotional and deep long tones and ballads, like the one shown at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Opening Ceremony. It is an elegant finish full of inclusiveness that expresses a different side of Hotei Tomoyasu.
The sweet taste derived from red wine barrels goes well with cigars.
Be sure to get intoxicated by the life of legendary rock guitarist Tomoyasu Hotei, who will celebrate his 40th anniversary in 2021.