長さ: 124mm リングゲージ: 50
ヴィトラ名 ロブスト
13歳の時にスペインからキューバに移住したホセ・ヘネル氏が叔父の農園で働きつつ、20年後に自身の葉巻工場を開設して独自の葉巻ブランド「ラ・エセプシオン」を作り、その売り上げでキューバ最高峰の産地の一つであるサンファン・イ・マルティネスに農場を購入し、誕生したのが『HOYO DE MONTERREY(オヨ・デ・モントレイ)』です。
Length: 124mm Ring Gauge: 50
Vitola name Robusto
Jose Henel moved to Cuba from Spain at the age of 13, worked on his uncle’s farm, and 20 years later opened his own cigar factory and created his own cigar brand, La Ecepción. With the sales, we purchased a farm in San Juan y Martinez, one of Cuba’s highest production areas, and “HOYO DE MONTERREY” was born.
“HOYO” means “hole” in Spanish, and the name comes from the shape of this area, which is famous for producing the best tobacco leaves.
Epicure No. 2 is the most popular robusto size in Hoyo de Monterrey’s lineup. This type of smoking is often said to be suitable for beginners and women. Among the Cuban cigars, it is light-bodied, mild yet gorgeous, and has gained popularity as the “royal road of Havana.”
Recommended smoking time is about 50 minutes. If you haven’t tried it yet, please give it a try.