長さ:102mm リングゲージ:40
ヴィトラ名 トレペティコロナ
その名前はアレクサンドル・デュマ著の『モンテクリスト伯』から付けられました。 キューバの葉巻工場では巻き職人たちが退屈しないよう小説や新聞を読み聞かせるレクトールと呼ばれる役職があり、『モンテクリスト伯』は特に巻き職人たちからの人気が高かったそうです。
キューバシガーの中で最も有名なブランドの一つです。 ぜひ一度お試しください。
Length: 102mm Ring Gauge: 40
Vitola name Tre petti corona
“Montecristo” is a cigar brand created in 1935 by Mr. Alonso Menendez at the H. Upmann factory.
Its name comes from the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. In Cuban cigar factories, there was a position called a lector who read novels and newspapers to the cigar craftsmen so that they would not get bored.
“Montecristo No. 5” is a size called Tre petti Corona, and it is a relatively small cigar that can be smoked for about 30 minutes. It can be said that it is the best accompaniment when you take a short break easily regardless of the scene.
There are countless enthusiasts around the world who have been captivated by the unique wood and earthy scent of Montecristo.
One of the most famous brands of Cuban cigars. Please try once.