ホーム » トロワ・リビエール キュヴェ ド ロセアン(TROIS RIVIERES CUVEE DE L’OCEAN)





『キュヴェ ド ロセアン』は、マルティニーク最南端の海岸沿いの決められた農園で育ったサトウキビのみを使って蒸留されたホワイトラムです。







Martinique, a French island in the Caribbean Sea, was described by Columbus as “the most beautiful place on earth”. Agricole rum production is popular here.

Trois-Rivières is one of them, and its origins can be traced back to 1660, when Nicolas Fouquet, a treasurer to Louis XIV, acquired land in the southern part of Martinique.

Initially, it was a plantation for refining sugar. As time progressed, the production shifted to rum, and in the 20th century, the production became focused on agricole rum made from fresh sugar cane juice.

Trois-Rivières takes its name from the three rivers that flow through its 120 hectares.

“Cuvée de L’ocean” is a white rum distilled using only sugar cane grown on designated plantations along the southernmost coast of Martinique.

Sugarcane grown in an environment that is very sunny and receives sea breezes has a soft, rich flavor with a hint of saltiness.

The bottle design is also a vivid color reminiscent of the blue of the sea.

Trois-Rivières is one of the most popular rum brands in Martinique, but in 2000 they suffered the tragedy of losing the majority of their aged rum in a fire.

However, by continuing to release high-quality rum to the world, Nadara has not lost its credibility and has established itself as a rum brand that is loved all over the world.

It is a highly complete dish that is sweet, rich, spicy, and has a minerality that somehow reminds you of the sea. Please try once.