新潟県上越市の古くからの文化である発酵技術と、日本有数のヨモギの名産地であることから、80種類の野草の酵素をベースにした健康食品を40年以上作ってきた株式会社越後薬草。同社が手掛ける『THE HERBALIST YASO GIN』は、2020年の2月に誕生しました。
こうして立ち上げられた越後薬草蒸留所にて、「ハーブの女王」と呼ばれるヨモギを主体とした新潟県上越の野草を含め80種から成るベーススピリッツに、20種類のボタニカルを加えて再蒸留し、『野草』と『80(やそ)』をかけて『YASO GIN』と名付けられました。
「森に実る架空のフルーツ」という、想像上の果物をコンセプトにみずみずしくフルーティな味わいになったYASO GINは、すでに国際的な品評会から様々な賞を頂くほどのものとなっています。
滋味溢れる野草の風味を柔らかく包み込んだフルーティな甘みを持つ『YASO GIN』、ぜひお試しください。
Echigo Yakuso Co., Ltd. has been making health foods based on the enzymes of 80 kinds of wild plants for over 40 years, thanks to the ancient culture of fermentation technology in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture, and the fact that Joetsu City is one of the leading producers of mugwort in Japan. The company’s “THE HERBALIST YASO GIN” was launched in February 2020.
The company’s president, Mr. Tsukada, wondered if there was a way to utilize the alcohol that is generated as a by-product when fermenting products made from wild plants. He found a commonality between the keyword “80 kinds of wild plants” and the concept of botanicals in the world of gin, and decided to make craft gin.
At the Echigo Yakuso Distillery that was launched in this way, 20 types of botanicals were added to a base spirit consisting of 80 types of wild plants from Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture, mainly mugwort, known as the “queen of herbs,” and redistilled it, and the name YASO GIN was created by combining “wild plants” and “80 (yaso).”
Based on the concept of “imaginary fruits that grow in the forest,” YASO GIN has a fresh, fruity taste and has already won various awards at international tasting competitions.
In line with the craft gin boom, many domestic craft gins are being produced these days, but most manufacturers source their base spirits from outside, so Echigo Yakuso’s strength is that it can prepare its own carefully crafted base spirits in-house.
Also, using wild herbs as an ingredient for the base spirits is very unusual and unique.
Please give YASO GIN a try, with its fruity sweetness that gently wraps around the nutritious flavor of wild herbs.