ホーム » ダーティーマザー(DIRTY MOTHER)



他にも類似性のあるカクテルとして、コーヒーリキュールをアマレットに変えた『フレンチコネクション』、ベースをテキーラに変えた『ブレイブ・ブル』、ブランデーにベネディクティンで『B &B』など、多数あります。

コーヒーリキュールにはカルーアが使われることが多いのですが、当店ではグラッパをメインとして造っているベルタ社の『ディネーロ クレマ アルカッフェ』を使用しています。





The “Dirty Mother” is a simple recipe of brandy and coffee liqueur, and is said to have originated in the United States in the 1970s.

Because it is a very simple recipe and easy to make, there are many derivatives, and it is unclear which cocktail is the original, but the most likely is that it is a derivative of the “Black Russian” which changed the base from brandy to vodka, and is said to have been invented in a hotel bar in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, around 1949.

There are many other similar cocktails, such as the “French Connection” which changes the coffee liqueur to amaretto, the “Brave Bull” which changes the base to tequila, and the “B & B” which uses brandy and Benedictine.

Kahlua is often used as the coffee liqueur, but we use “Dinero Crema al Caffe” from Berta, which mainly produces grappa.

It is popular all over the world, including famous restaurants in Italy, and is a top producer that is also the purveyor to the Vatican City, especially when it comes to vintage grappa.

Berta’s coffee liqueur is highly fragrant, and you can really taste the flavor of roasted coffee.

Although it’s a relatively minor product, the mellow sweetness and coffee flavor make it a perfect match for cigars. Please give it a try.